Funeral Costs

At West Berkshire Funeral Directors, we pride ourselves in providing competitive prices for all our customers, without compromising on quality. We have vast experience with tailoring your requested service to your budget, ensuring you can give your loved one the send-off they deserve without straining your finances.

Whatever you have in mind for the funeral, we can work within your budget to honour your loved one’s life and personality. We will breakdown the funeral costs for you, looking at components such as:

If you’re entitled to DWP and other benefits or assistance, we will help you claim for funeral cost assistance so you can have a lovely funeral, no matter what your financial background. Everyone deserves to have a respectful send-off, which is why we are here to help you afford an elegant funeral for your loved one.

For more information on our funeral charges and services, please get in touch with us today and we will go through all our funeral fees breakdown for each individual service or a package funeral. We serve a number of locations, including Newbury, Thatcham and Hungerford and further afield if required.